National Anthems New Zealand National Anthem Lyrics New Zealand English: God of nations! at Thy feet In the bonds of love we meet, Hear our
Category: National Anthems Lyrics
National Anthems Netherlands National Anthem Lyrics Netherlands Wilhelmus van Nassouwe(William of Nassau) Original Dutch Words: Wilhelmus van Nassouwe ben ik van Duitsen bloed den vaderland
National Anthems Nepal National Anthem Lyrics Nepal Latin Transliteration Shri man gumbhira nepali prachanda pratapi bhupati Shri pach sarkar maharajadhiraja ko sada rahos unnati Rakhun
National Anthems Nauru National Anthem Lyrics Nauru Nauru Bwiema(Nauru, Our Homeland) Original Nauruan Words Nauru bwiema, ngabena ma auwe. Ma dedaro bwe dogum, mo otata
National Anthems Namibia National Anthem Lyrics Namibia Land of the Brave Namibia land of the brave Freedom fight we have won Glory to their bravery
National Anthems Mozambique National Anthem Lyrics Mozambique Original Portugese Words Viva, viva FRELIMO, Guia do Povo Moзambicano! Povo herуico qu’arma em punho O colonialismo derrubou.
National Anthems Morocco National Anthem Lyrics Morocco Latin Transliteration Manbit Allahrah Masriq Alanwar Munta da Alsu dad Wahamah Dumt Muntadah Wahamah Isht Filawtan Lilala Unwan
National Anthems Montenegro National Anthem Lyrics Montenegrin Oj svijetla majska zoro, Majko nasa Crna Goro, Sinovi smo tvog stijenja I cuvari tvog postenja. Volimo vas,
National Anthems Monaco National Anthem Lyrics Monaco Original French Words Principauté Monaco ma patrie, Oh! Combien Dieu est prodigue pour toi. Ciel toujours pur, rives
National Anthems Mexican National Anthem Lyrics Mexico Francisco Gonza’lez Bocanegra and Jaime Nuno’- HIMNO NACIONAL MEXICANO CORO Mexicanos, al grito de guerra El acero aprestad